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Free DNN Software Plum Integration

Plum seamlessly integrates with DNN software, enabling you to effortlessly create captivating DNN software popups. Take the next step towards achieving your business objectives with our intuitive popup builder tailored for DNN CMS websites.

Reasons to Consider Plum For DNN Software Popup

Steps to Add a Plum to DNN Software


Create an account on Plum


Choose the purpose of your popup design for your business


Tailor the popup to align with your digital marketing objectives


Insert the embed code of Plum into a tag within Google Tag Manager


Complete the process by publishing the tag on your Google Tag Manager



What is DNN Software?

DNN Software is a popular content management system (CMS) trusted by leading brands and developers around the world. If you're using DNN Software to power your website, you know the importance of engaging your audience and driving conversions. One powerful tool to achieve these goals is the use of popups. In this article, we'll explore what DNN Software is, the benefits of using popups, and the advantages of integrating Plum with DNN Software to create compelling popups.

Benefits Of Using Popups

Increased Engagement

Popups grab the attention of website visitors and encourage them to take action. By using engaging and targeted popups, you can effectively communicate your message, promote offers, collect leads, and drive user engagement.

Improved Conversion Rates 

Popups are powerful conversion optimization tools. By strategically placing popups on your website, you can capture leads, promote products or services, and guide visitors towards desired actions. With effective targeting and compelling content, popups can significantly increase your conversion rates.

Enhanced User Experience

 Well-designed and thoughtfully implemented popups can enhance the overall user experience on your website. By delivering relevant and timely information, such as special offers or personalized recommendations, you can provide value to your visitors and create a positive impression of your brand.

Benefits of Plum Integration with DNN Software

User-Friendly Popup Builder 

Plum offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to easily create stunning popups for your DNN Software website. No coding skills are required, making it accessible to users of all experience levels.

Advanced Targeting and Customization Options 

With Plum, you can leverage advanced targeting and segmentation features to ensure your popups are shown to the right audience at the right time. Customize the design, layout, and behavior of your popups to align with your brand and website aesthetics.

Mobile-Optimized and Responsive

 Plum ensures that your popups look great and function seamlessly across all devices, including mobile phones and tablets. This ensures a consistent user experience and maximizes the reach of your popups.

Performance Tracking and Analytics

 Plum provides built-in tracking and analytics capabilities, allowing you to monitor the performance of your popups. Gain valuable insights into conversion rates, user behavior, and engagement metrics to optimize your popup campaigns and drive better results.

Integrating Plum with DNN Software opens up a world of possibilities for creating engaging and conversion-focused popups on your website. By leveraging the benefits of increased engagement, improved conversion rates, enhanced user experience, user-friendly popup building, advanced targeting options, mobile optimization, and performance tracking, you can supercharge your DNN Software website's effectiveness. Start utilizing the power of free DNN Software Plum Builder and unlock the potential to drive remarkable engagement and conversions for your online business.

Our team round-the-clock to assist you

Our dedicated support team is always available to help you with any queries or issues you may encounter.
