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Free Shopify Popup Integration With Plum

Are you looking to expand your email list, engage with visitors who abandon their carts, and gather valuable feedback for your Shopify store? Building a Shopify popup is now a breeze, even without any coding knowledge. Simply customize a conversion-ready popup template within just 5 minutes using Plum.

Reasons To Consider Plum For Shopify

How to Create a Shopify Popup With Plum


Create an account or log in to Plum


Begin creating your Shopify popup by selecting "Create a New Popup"


Tailor your layout selection to align with your specific business objectives


Customize and fine-tune your own popup using the "Layout" and "Customize" tabs


Go to dashboard and publish changes.



Popups are interactive elements that appear on a website or web page, typically in a separate window or as an overlay. Their purpose is to capture the attention of website visitors and prompt them to take a specific action. Popups can serve various objectives, such as increasing conversions, growing email subscribers, reducing cart abandonment, collecting feedback, promoting offers or announcements, and guiding users through a specific sales funnel. They are designed to engage users, deliver targeted messages, and drive desired actions to improve overall website performance and user experience.

There are various types of popups that can be used strategically to engage website visitors and achieve specific goals. Here are a few common types:

Exit-Intent Popups:

These popups are triggered when a user is about to leave the website, based on mouse movement. They aim to entice visitors to stay or take a desired action before exiting.

Newsletter Subscription Popups:

These popups encourage visitors to subscribe to a website's newsletter or mailing list. They typically offer incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or updates to persuade users to provide their email addresses.

Cart Abandonment Popups:

These popups are triggered when a user adds items to their shopping cart but leaves the website without completing the purchase. They aim to recover abandoned carts by offering incentives, such as discounts or free shipping, to encourage users to return and complete their purchase.

Feedback Collection Popups:

These popups solicit feedback from website visitors, allowing businesses to gather insights and improve their products or services. They can include surveys, rating scales, or open-ended questions to capture user opinions and suggestions.

Upsell/Cross-sell Popups:

These popups are displayed during the checkout process to promote related products or upgrades that complement the user's current selection. They aim to increase the average order value by encouraging customers to add more items to their cart.

Announcement Popups:

These popups deliver important announcements, such as upcoming sales, new product launches, or limited-time offers. They help create a sense of urgency and drive immediate action from visitors.

Social Proof Popups:

These popups showcase social proof, such as testimonials, reviews, or user activity, to build trust and credibility with website visitors. They aim to persuade users to make a purchase or take a specific action based on the positive experiences of others.

Benefits of Popup

Increase Conversions

Popups can drive higher conversion rates by capturing the attention of website visitors and guiding them towards specific actions. Here's how they help boost conversions:

a. Attention Grabbing: Popups demand immediate attention from users, as they appear prominently on the screen, overlaying the website content. This heightened visibility increases the chances of users noticing and engaging with the popup's message or offer.

b. Call-to-Action Focus: Popups allow businesses to present a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) directly to visitors. By guiding users towards a specific action, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or completing a form, popups help streamline the conversion process and eliminate distractions.

c. Targeted Messaging: Popups can be customized and targeted based on various factors such as user behavior, demographics, or specific pages visited. By delivering personalized messages and offers, popups increase the relevance and appeal to visitors, leading to higher conversion rates.

Grow Email Subscribers

Popups are a powerful tool for capturing email leads and growing your subscriber list. Here's how popups facilitate this process:

1. Opt-in Forms

Popups can feature opt-in forms where visitors can provide their email addresses to subscribe to your newsletter or receive updates. By prominently displaying these forms, popups grab the attention of users and encourage them to take action.

2. Incentives and Offers

To entice visitors to subscribe, popups often offer incentives such as discounts, free resources, exclusive content, or entry into giveaways. These incentives provide value to users in exchange for their email addresses, making the decision to subscribe more appealing.

3. Customization and Targeting

Popups allow you to customize the messaging and design to align with your brand and audience. Furthermore, you can target specific segments of your website visitors based on their behavior, demographics, or interests, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience.

Building an email list holds significant value for marketing purposes, and popups play a crucial role in this process. Consider the following benefits of growing your email subscriber list:

a. Direct Communication Channel: With an email list, you have a direct line of communication with your audience. This allows you to send targeted messages, promotional offers, newsletters, and updates directly to their inbox, ensuring your brand stays top-of-mind.

b. Relationship Building: Regularly communicating with your subscribers via email helps build a relationship and establish trust. By providing valuable content and personalized offers, you can nurture leads, encourage repeat purchases, and turn subscribers into loyal customers.

c. Higher Conversion Rates: Studies have shown that email marketing consistently delivers higher conversion rates compared to other marketing channels. By cultivating a list of engaged subscribers, you can leverage email campaigns to drive traffic, promote products, and increase sales.

d. Customer Segmentation: An email list enables you to segment your subscribers based on their preferences, purchase history, or engagement level. This segmentation allows you to tailor your marketing messages and offers, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

e. Long-Term Asset: Unlike social media platforms that can change algorithms or restrict access, an email list is a long-term asset that you own and control. Regardless of algorithm updates or platform changes, your email list remains a reliable channel to reach your audience.

In summary, popups provide effective mechanisms to capture email leads and grow your subscriber list. Building an email list brings numerous benefits, including direct communication, relationship building, higher conversion rates, customer segmentation, and the creation of a valuable long-term asset for your marketing efforts.

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment popups are specifically designed to address the issue of visitors leaving their shopping carts without completing the purchase. Here's how these popups can help recover lost sales:

1. Timely Reminder

When a visitor is about to navigate away from the cart page or close the browser tab, a cart abandonment popup is triggered. This popup serves as a reminder to the user about the items left behind, encouraging them to reconsider and complete the purchase.

2. Incentives and Offers

Cart abandonment popups often include enticing incentives, such as discounts, free shipping, or limited-time offers. These incentives provide a compelling reason for users to complete their purchase, overcoming hesitations or objections they may have had.

3. Re-Engagement Opportunity

By displaying a cart abandonment popup, you provide an opportunity to re-engage with visitors who showed intent to make a purchase. This allows you to address any concerns they may have, offer assistance, or provide additional information that can help them make a decision.

To optimize cart abandonment popups and improve their effectiveness, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Persuasive Messaging: Craft compelling and persuasive copy for your popup that clearly communicates the value proposition, highlights the benefits of completing the purchase, and reinforces trust in your brand.
  • Exit-Intent Technology: Utilize exit-intent technology to trigger the cart abandonment popup precisely when users are about to leave. This timing maximizes the chances of capturing their attention and persuading them to stay and complete the purchase.
  • Personalization: Tailor the content of your cart abandonment popup based on the specific items in the user's cart or their browsing behavior. This personalized approach enhances the relevance and increases the likelihood of conversion.
  • Multi-Step Approach: Consider using a multi-step cart abandonment popup strategy. Instead of immediately presenting a discount or offer, start with a non-intrusive reminder popup. If the user doesn't respond, follow up with subsequent popups that include incentives or additional assistance.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different variations of your cart abandonment popup, including the design, copy, and incentives. Conduct A/B tests to evaluate the performance of each variation and identify the most effective approach for your target audience.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure your cart abandonment popups are optimized for mobile devices since a significant portion of online shopping occurs on smartphones and tablets. The popups should be mobile-responsive and provide a seamless user experience on smaller screens.

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize the effectiveness of your cart abandonment popups and increase the chances of recovering lost sales by persuading visitors to complete their purchases.

Gather Customer Feedback

Feedback collection popups play a crucial role in improving the user experience by providing a direct channel for website visitors to share their opinions, suggestions, and concerns. Here's how these popups contribute to enhancing the user experience:

1. Proactive Engagement

By proactively seeking feedback from users, you demonstrate a commitment to understanding their needs and improving their experience. This proactive engagement helps foster a sense of customer-centricity and shows that you value their input.

2. Real-time Insights

Feedback collection popups enable you to gather insights in real-time, capturing user sentiments and preferences at the moment of interaction. This immediacy allows you to address any issues promptly and make necessary improvements to enhance the user experience.

3. User-Centered Improvements

By collecting feedback directly from website visitors, you gain valuable insights into their pain points, frustrations, and areas of improvement. This firsthand feedback enables you to make data-driven decisions and implement changes that align with user expectations and preferences.

4. Customer Empowerment

Feedback collection popups empower customers by providing them with a platform to voice their opinions and influence the development of products, services, and website features. This sense of empowerment enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

There are several advantages to collecting feedback directly from website visitors through popups:

a. Authentic Insights: Feedback collected directly from visitors is authentic and unbiased, as it reflects their actual experiences and opinions. This raw data provides valuable insights that can inform strategic decisions and drive meaningful improvements.

b. Targeted Feedback: Feedback collection popups allow you to target specific segments of your website visitors, such as first-time customers, repeat buyers, or users who have abandoned their carts. This targeted approach ensures that you receive feedback from the relevant audience, providing actionable insights for specific areas of your business.

c. Quick and Efficient: Feedback collection popups provide a streamlined and efficient method of gathering feedback. Visitors can quickly provide their input without having to navigate to a separate feedback form or contact page, increasing the likelihood of participation.

d. Improved Customer Satisfaction: By actively seeking and implementing customer feedback, you demonstrate a commitment to addressing their needs and concerns. This leads to an improved user experience, increased customer satisfaction, and stronger brand loyalty.

e. Competitive Advantage: Collecting feedback directly from website visitors gives you a competitive edge by staying attuned to evolving customer preferences and market trends. This enables you to make proactive adjustments, differentiate your offerings, and provide an exceptional user experience that sets you apart from competitors.

Overall, feedback collection popups enable you to gather authentic insights, make user-centered improvements, empower customers, and gain a competitive advantage by staying responsive to customer needs. By actively seeking and incorporating feedback, you can continuously enhance the user experience and build stronger relationships with your audience.

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