Poptin Alternative: Plum


Expanded Targeting Options

Plum offers a diverse range of advanced targeting features that empower site owners to effectively segment their visitors and deliver targeted popups at the most opportune moments. These features enable site owners to tailor their popups with precision, ensuring that the right audience is reached at the right time, utilizing the most suitable display features. In addition to a wide selection of trigger options, Plum goes beyond Poptin by offering additional targeting capabilities such as HTML and browser language targeting. 

While Poptin does provide a considerable number of targeting and trigger options, it offers a slightly more limited selection compared to Plum. 

Affordable Pricing

Plum offers a cost-efficient pricing model, with a rate of $39 for 100,000 page-views, granting users the benefit of unlimited domains and unlimited popups. This pricing structure allows businesses to effectively manage their costs while enjoying the flexibility of unlimited domains and popups to meet their specific requirements.

Poptin has a pricing model of $59 for 50,000 page-views, which includes unlimited popups but is limited to 4 domains. When compared to Plum's basic plan, which is $20 cheaper and provides unlimited domains, Plum offers a more cost-efficient option. 

Popups without branding

Regardless of whether you opt for the free or paid plans, all popups created with Plum are free from any branding associated with the Plum platform. This means that your popups will not display any logos or branding elements from Plum. 

To remove branding from popups created with Poptin, users are required to purchase a pricing plan. 

Drag and Drop Functionality

Plum does not include a drag and drop feature in its platform as it is not deemed an effective solution for creating popups. Instead, Plum provides users with extensive customization options that allow them to fully personalize their popups without relying on a drag and drop interface. 

Poptin does offer a drag and drop feature in its platform, allowing users to create and customize popups using a visual interface. However, it's important to note that while the drag and drop feature can be useful, it may not be the most efficient solution for users without extensive design knowledge or experience. 

Compare Plum vs Optimonk





Design and Creation









Which tool offers a greater variety of design features?
Which popup builder tool offers greater ease of use?
Which tool provides more features in the free plan, Plum or Poptin?
Can I create different form fields in Plum like Poptin?

Alternative Popup Builder Tools

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